Nature's Materia Medica Fourth Edition by Robin Murphy, ND (Hardcover)

Nature's Materia Medica Fourth Edition by Robin Murphy, ND (Hardcover)

$140.00 CAD
Lotus Health Institute by Robin Murphy, ND
Quantity: 1 + -

New Fourth Edition

1,500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies

by Robin Murphy, ND

New Fourth Edition: Over 100 New Remedies!

(2,342 pages)

*Nature's Materia Medica is the 4th edition of the Homeopathic Remedy Guide. Over 1,500 Homeopathic and Herbal remedies from around the world are reviewed as to their homeopathic, herbal and historical uses.

*Nature's Medica Medica has been en- tirely updated with spelling and grammer cor- rections. This book is 2,342 pages, 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches, on bible paper in one volume. 3.4 pounds weight.

* New Homepathic and Herbal Co- mentaries - New quotes and commentaries from Dr. Murphy's lecture notes. Historical reviews from Anshutz, Bach, Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Cooper, Hahnemann, Hale. Hering, Murphy, Nash, Phatak, Radamacher and others.

* New Homepathic and Herbal Resourc- es. New Clinical Repertory, Homeopathic and Herbal Glossary, Homeopathic Remedy Index, etc.

*A Homeopathic and Herbal Materia Medica combined, which covers the historical uses, folklore, legends, case histories, therapeutics, toxicology, provings, and pharmacy of many homeopathic and herbal remedies etc.

* Over 100 New Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies and New Provings. New Homeo- pathic remedies from modern and historical research. Herbs, Superfoods, Trees, Flowers, Minerals, Gemstones, Toxins, Nosodes, etc.

*1,500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedy Monographs - Pharmacy, Clinical, Herbal, Homeopathic, Mind, Schema, Commentary, Relationships, References.

*Alphabetical Schema - Abdomen, Back, Chest, Ears, Eyes, Face, Female, Food, Head, Heart, Kidneys, Limbs, Lungs, Male, Mouth, Nose, Rectum, Skin, Stomach, Throat, Vertigo, etc. The schema is designed to match the chapters in the Homeopathic MetaRepertory, 4th edition.
